Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Let me tell you about at dream I had....

I think I'll change names of people for their sakes...except my sister :)

Kendra and I were with a group of people going to this outdoor concert thing. One of the guys who was with us, we'll call him Matt, I know fairly well but was annoyed because he was following me everywhere; at that point I was almost ignoring his presence. I pulled out a chair for myself so I could sit next to Kendra and he quickly sits in the chair I pulled out as if I pulled it out for him. I was definitely offended. Seeing two seats next to each other off to the side we broke away from the group and sat there. They were actually better seats. I kept looking over to see what Matt was doing but was still completely annoyed at him. At the end of the concert Kendra and I started playing with the little kids up on the stage. Then I saw, out of the corner of my eye, another guy I know, much older and smoking on the curb - we'll call him Rick. He was actually a part of my family at one point in time so I knew him really well. It had been a long time so he looked different but I could quickly recognize him from afar. Matt noticed that I saw Rick and started observing him. I got up to go over and talk with Rick, Matt did as well.

Matt and I were able to communicate with our eyes apparently because we had a huge conversation in those few seconds without speaking. He could sense I was on some 'evangelism' mission but stood as if to say, "Let me do it..." I looked at him like, "Don't underestimate me, I think I can handle it..." "But he'll relate to the fact that I'm in the military..." I raised my eyebrow as if to say, "That really doesn't matter at this point." I stood in front of Rick as he viciously smoked; inhaling, exhaling... as if it was clean air. Matt stood off to the side watching. Rick looked sickly - he was skinny, old, weak, his clothes filthy, his eyes were dark; he looked like he was dying. The worst part was his mouth, his lips were dry and discolored, the inside of his mouth black and empty. All around the inside of his lips were green and brown. He kept smoking and smoking and smoking. I said, "Hey." He wouldn't look at me, puffed on his cigarette, then said, "hey" back. I said, "What's up?" Then he mumbled something I didn't understand. Asking him to repeat caused him to show this incredibly annoyed and frustrated look that he would have to repeat himself. He did and said, "I got a video game." Sharing his most recent and exciting news I guess. (this guy had to have been in his 50's)

I looked at him straight in the eyes and calmly said, "You're not a loser." He didn't respond. At that point I don't know if I grabbed him but somehow I had his attention and was screaming that over and over again: "You're not a loser, you're not a loser..." I cried out for him to repeat it, he didn't. So I yelled, "Say it!" He did, and when he did, he kinda disappeared. He was still there but invisible and in a wheelchair. I had so much fire and built up emotion, like an adrenaline rush. With both hands I grabbed the front of the wheelchair, crying and screaming at where his face would be, "You are a child of God!" I screamed it a few times, then told him to say it. Again and again, "You're a child of God!" Matt was watching with a bewildered look but he could see I knew what I was doing. All of the sudden it was as if Rick agreed with the statement and would have repeated it if he had a voice to do so, then he was gone. Of course I could see nothing but now I could sense nothing. I slid to the ground all out of energy and my body jolted a bit, then Matt ran over to help me up.

Suddenly we looked back at this van down the road as if it had been in an accident and saw a white man on the ground, we both seemed to think it was Rick. I was still sobbing and jumped up to run over there but realized I had hurt my leg when I went to the ground. Matt helped me over and we looked all around the van but couldn't find him. We just stood there mesmerized at what had just happened. Then we saw a man across the street getting into his minivan, a guy that looked just like Rick only many years younger and healthier. It turned out to be his brother. (Though in real life he doesn't have a brother that looks anything like him) We had asked him about Rick and he mentioned that he wouldn't have ever been proud of Rick or looked up to him except for the fact that moments before his life ended he accepted Christ.


If only you had seen what I saw and felt what I felt.... that was one crazy dream!