Thursday, April 21, 2011

Glorious Servant

I was listening to the Prayer Room this morning and they were singing:
"If this is where You go, if You go so low; then I'm gonna meet you in the place of serving."

(Praise the Lord for the PR Webstream!!! It's live and I can always go back and listen again)

This brought me again to John 15 which I've been meditating on recently. I love flow must be the scientific mind... but they're glorious! There's definitely a flow chart in the midst of John 15 and here it is:

Abide in Me -> Keep My commands -> Love one another -> Lay down your life -> Abide
(all that your joy may be full)

Christ commands and exhorts us to abide in Him, to remain in Him or to cling desperately to Him. He repeats this six times in just a few verses and relates it to branches of a vine. Branches die if they are ever separated from the vine, therefore, for the sake of life we must remain attached and abide in Him.

He then clearly lays out what it takes for us to abide. In order for us to abide we must obey His commands. Okay... that seems easy enough. Just following the 10 right?... I guess there are some others though. vs. 12 "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."
He's given us a summary of all the commandments: Love God and love others

Well, what does that look like to love others? What does it look like to show love? vs. 13 "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."

Lay down your life!

If we want to abide in Christ, if we want to know Him, know His heart, meet with Him face to face, if we want to dwell with Him.... we need to lay down our lives. He is found serving His brother, if we want to meet with Him, we'll find Him in the place of serving. We will find Him as we lay down our lives for others. As we give up and sacrifice our own desires to tend to and meet the needs of others we will find Him. We will share His heart as He cares about the concerns of others. If we allow our selfish hearts to die and serve other people we will abide in Him and our joy will be full and made complete. The whole reason that He lays out this very simple flow chart is that we would live full and joyful lives. His heart is so for us! But if we miss the simple point that we will not of joy unless we die and serve we will go on longing, go on searching for something more, go on looking for something to bring joy and satisfaction.

It's right here. It's in the friend who needs help, who needs help with homework, who needs a place to stay, who needs a meal, who needs some love.

Don't miss it.

In Your Presence oh God there is fullness of joy!


Blogger Ashley Joy said...

It's no wonder that we're besties. I so love your heart after Him. :-) You are AMAZING!

April 22, 2011 at 4:12 PM  

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