Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Prophets

God has definitely blessed me with my days off. I have an entire day to rest, hang out with Jesus and am freed up to do whatever He lays on my heart to enjoy. What have the past two days off consisted of? Day long times alone with God studying the Word for hours upon hours and rejoicing in all He reveals to me. I'm blessed that He's given me such a hunger to study. I study all week long, why would I want to do more? Because I simply can't get enough.

One of those days I was meditating on the prophets. I was wondering just how lonely they felt; not only did they have a burden for their nation, but they were speaking destruction over people who in turn hated and despised them for being the mouthpiece of God. Each of them felt alone, attacked, isolated with no one else to share that burden. Elijah even commented:
"I have been very zealous for the LORD God...for the children of Israel have ... killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life." (1 Kings 19:10)

As I continued thinking I realized God had to have given them promises to sustain them to speak His words, to equip them and to encourage them. What were those promises? I just happened to be reading through Jeremiah so I decided to read through and find the specific promises given by God to Jeremiah. Right there in the first chapter three stood out to me:
Jer. 1:5 - I ordained you as a prophet before you were born (solid calling)
Jer. 1:8 - I am with you to deliver you (so don't be afraid of your enemies)
Jer. 1:19 - I am with you... to deliver you (your enemies will not prevail)

In the midst of their loneliness He reminds the prophets of their calling and the fact that He is with them! "Though you may feel alone, you are not, because I am here. Though you may feel terrified with enemies on all sides, I am here and won't let them hurt you!" Oh, we must remind ourselves of those promises!!

As a response, a song came forth:

Your Name Lord
Is a strong and mighty tower
Is a strong and mighty tower
The righteous run into it and are safe

Your Name Lord
Is a strong and mighty tower
Is a strong and mighty tower
The righteous run into it and are safe

The prophets, You, sustain them
With Your promises of Your presence
With Your promises of Your presence

I am yours and you are Mine
And every word which comes to mind
I'll speak through you
I'll speak through you

Do not fear for your life
Your enemies will not survive
I'll protect you
I will protect you

Your Name Lord
Is a strong and mighty tower
The righteous run into it and are safe


Blogger Ashley Joy said...

This is amazing; so encouraging and abounding in truth. I'm so blessed we both love the most incredible God ever. He is so faithful to us!! Loving you....

March 28, 2010 at 10:37 PM  

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