Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wow!!! I look forward to that Day

I finally finished Safely Home....a truly amazing book. Though it was fiction it was filled with scripture and was challenging, encouraging, and motivating.

Since leaving off from the second to last post; Ben (the business man) came back to God while in China, his friend, Li Quan, was arrested for attending house churches and persecuted while in jail. Ben tried everything he could to help his friend but it was God's plan for both of them. Li Quan ended up dying in jail and the description of what happened was amazing!! Of course there was the traditional 'visiting family' after dying accompanied by someone....his guardian angel who fought for him day after day and comforted him when he felt alone. But the part I liked is what happened when he got to heaven. He saw lots of people he knew and met those he had only heard of, though they had never met they felt like family. Then they brought him before the King. When he approached the throne (as only His children could do, not angels) the King ran to embrace him. Since he was a martyr he recieved a white robe and a crown, the King whispered to him his new name and healed his wounds. All of this is amazing and something I look forward to, all of this is mentioned in the Word. But the amazing thing about Heaven is not the blessings or things we recieve, its spending eternity with God--our Creator, the One we've been longing for forever. Its hard to read Revelation and sense the joy and emotion that comes with entering heaven and seeing God face to face so it seems we replace it with the excitement of recieving things. The author did an amazing job describing emotions felt in the presence of God. Overwhelming fear as His eyes burned against His enemies, overwhelming peace and comfort when embraced by the King, and the sense of all your longings fulfilled. Will we ever stop longing and yearning? No, but when we do long and yearn for more---we will be filled over and over again. The book ends with Li Quan's son as the last martyr and the King declaring the time to rescue His people and destroy His enemies. The earth feels destruction and darkness as the heavens rejoice as those who have suffered are vindicated.

I can't wait to finally see our King face to face, to embrace Him and hopefully hear "Well done, good and faithful servant."


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